Friday, November 30, 2007
Good, Typical, Bad and Not a Malaysian.
At The Restaurant, when you want to get the attention of the server to pay ya bill or to order something. You are a,
Good Malaysian: Calls out 'dik', 'abg', 'anne', thambi', 'taiko', 'boss' or 'pakcik'. You get the drift. The list can go longer.
Typical Malaysian: Calls out, 'kiraaaaaaa'.
Bad Malaysian: Eyes still transfixxed at ya drink or food, raise ya hands and whistle like a rat on heat, 'wruuuuutsttstswwwiiittt'.
Not Malaysian: YOu to pay for your meal or drinks before you consume it.
At Coffee beans or Starbucks, you are....
Good Malaysian: Order ya food or coffe (drinks), wait for your order, take whatever condiments that you need. get a sit, chat with ya buddies or tug into the WIFI and do your work.
Typical Malaysian: You dont go there because the max you willing to pay for a cup of Java is RM1.20 only.
Bad Malaysian: YOu to the condiment counter, take thier milk, sugar, chocolate powder, and cinnamon, order a FREE 'sky juice'. Sit somewhere remote add the chocolate powder to teh milk and make your won hot chocolate and use the WIFI to chat in MIRC or YM for hours. Free Internet what.
Not Malaysian: You buy a Latte TOGO and get to your office on time.
When you are reaching a traffic Light. You are a,...
Good Malaysian: Prepare to stop in case the light turns to yellow from green.
Typical Malaysian: Prepare to speed up incase the light turns to yellow from green.
Bad Malaysian: What traffic lights??
Not Malaysian: What driving. They dont drive here.
When you are jogging at the park and meet a stranger jogging the opposite side and approaching you. You are,....
Good Malaysian: Say hi or give salam and jog on.
Typical Malaysian: Dont Jog. So cant really tell.
Bad Malaysian: What Jog??
Not Malaysian: Smile and greet each other and keep on jogging with thier dogs. Stop to pick up thier dogs crap and dispose it accordingly.
When drinking at a pub. You are a,....
Good Malaysian: Know your limit. Dont over drink and never a nonsense to your buddies. Take a cab back home.
Typical Malaysian: Drink as much as they can if people are paying. Get stoned to the max. Puke everywhere. Refuse to let anyone drive. Drive by yourself and normally end up sleeping in some R&R along the highway. Get up in the morning and buy an MC for work.
Bad Malaysian: Pick up a fight with your best buddy. Smash a beer jug or two. Try to pick up up sumones wife or GF. Get intoa fight again. Call your entire neighbourhood. Make it a racial issue. Drive your best frens car and wreck it or you only drink in chinese restaurant with all the drama included because its cheaper to get drunk in a Chinese Restaurant.
Not Malaysian: You refuse to Pay RM15 on a glass of Red Wine and end up going to Langkawi and get wasted. Unless there are willing Malaysian ladies escort, you go to the poshest restaurant and order the finest wine and pay thru your AMEX Corporate card and report it stolen the next morning.
During a buffet. You are a,.....
Good Malaysian: Wait in line, get what you can eat and move as fst as possible so others can pick thier stuffs.
Typical Malaysian: Take three plates and stuff everything you possibly can. Put the plates on the tables and go again to fill up another plate of desserts.
Bad Malaysian: No time to use utensils. You use ya bare hands to pick up whatever you like while telling other. I just wash my hands.
Not Malaysian: Go to the buffet counter and come back empty handed because everything is finished.
When stopped by traffic police. You are a...
Good Malaysian: Say I am sorry. Give you excuse and hand over your ID and DL and get the summons and drive more carefully after that.
Typical Malaysian: Give mummy daddy excuse. Try your best to get out from getting a summon and end up bribing the officer.
Bad Malaysian: Give a crisp RM100 note to the officer while still talking on your mobile and eating rambutan in your car.
Not Malaysian: You say you have a Diplomat Immunity because you drive your friends DC plate car. Argue with the officer that you are on a very important diplomatic work and get out free. Because the officer doesnt understand anything in English.
To Be Continued.....If you guys wanna add up anything or want me to write about any situation pls. Send to my mailbox yeah.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Mr. Joes and his Cool Dad
Hope to meet more family member of my band mates, because they have met everyone at my side.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Man United get fucked in Bolton
The second half, Man United was better though. Its pity that there are no good covers for Man United first Eleven though. Man United should spend more money to bring in more quality players to cover injuries. They really miss Rooney, Ronaldo and Scholes. Without this Three, Man United is like a team which best fit for the bottom half of the table.
Arsenal, Chelsea and even Liverpool are getting good results and Man United couldnt afford to miss points again. There are talks that Berbatov coming to Man United this January. There are also quite a ruckus at tehtransfer market that there will be a swap between Man United and Barcelona. The exect figure of money is not known but thre are talking about swapping Eto and Saha. And ofcoz Man United are expected to pay Barca a substancial moolah for this to happen. Ferguson is sick and tired of super croak Saha. He been on the sidelines with injuries more than the time he spend being well and playing.
Ronney will be available in two weeks time and Ronaldo will be back after this. Scholes still have a nother few weeks to be okie. Gary Neville is side lined eventhough he is okie now. This is due to teh brilliant performance after performance of Brown. Vidic is expected to be on for the next game. So during the busy period of December. Man United should be back with thier best line up. BUt Ferguson should know better and buy some good quality cover for a team which allways succumb to injuries.
Hope they play better next week and get the points. Long live Man United.
As my earlier blog, I did mention BERSIH did a great job screwing up peoples life on the 10th NOvember by going on with thier demostration without permit. Estimation 60K people throngs in DIGI coloured T-Shirt screwing up the commerce and the roads all over Klang Valley.
Now The HIndraf People who was planning to do the same. Until today I dont know if the rally supposed to go on or not after the failure of getting a permit.
Okie now. The Uneven way of treatment by the Police about thses rallies organisers. Those who did BERSIH got scot free and those in HINDRAF was fucked. They are being charged mengikut ;Akta Hasutan". Three Lawyers life are screwed. MOst probably they gonna be De-Barred as well. One of them even refuse to be bailed because he feels strongly that he had not done anything wrong.
Now my question is, why The HIndraf guys and not those who is behind BERSIH?? Can anyone give me a good answer?
Friday, November 23, 2007
Malaysia Indie Music Crying Out Loud!!
The next problem is ticketting. Not many Indie Gig Organisers use tickets. They are more 'Entrance Fees at the door type'. The organiser must price thier ticket accordingly or the crowd will shy away from it. Normal rate are from RM10-RM20. However, in average normal tickets rates are either Rm13 or RM15. Most of the gigs doesnt give returns. This is because not many organisers can cover the cost of bringing in the bands and meeting the cost. Most of the time they will loose a couple of hundred bucks. And they dont get paid for all their working hours. Which sometimes is a pity because most of the time it is in 100s of hours.
Big bands ask for big amount of money. But in reality they dont give back good returns. So organisers must be smart enough to bring in bands that cover thier payment and cover each band cost. Most of the time, the organiser will introduce one or few new bands in the gig. They dont get paid, but its still a lose to lose situation because the stage time and cost will not be returned. So many organiser are just doing this for the love of the music.
Then there are numerous problems. Like bands for instance. Everything is done via telephone or e-mails. So the organiser have no legal right if any bands dont turn up. They cant actually make the crowd to understand thier plight if these bands suddenly dont show up. I myself personally have gone thru shit because of this. Then there are bands who dont or prefer not to play with other bands. They have thier own mind in looking at who else playing in the gig.
Other problems such as Venue closing down, venue being taken over by new managment, bands acting up, police problems, clashes of gig dates, clashes of ego between bands and millions other problems are there. The most common problem are crowd turn out. Crowds who comes to local gig also do not have a good ethics. They are there to support one band and then they leave leaving the venue empty by hours.
From my point of view. Malaysia media should give more to Local and Indie act. They work thier butts off for just the love of music. Most of the bands do perform for free. All they need is good support from the media and the people. People should know making music without any form of support is very expensive. So they should atleast support the indie music and willing to part with a little more money. If they can afford to pay in hundreds to watch one International Band to play why cant they fork our a mere RM30 t watch about 10 Local Indie band in playing right.
Sponsors like telecommunication giants who fight to be the sponsor for foriegn bands should also support Malaysian Act. You dont have to give us Hundreds of Thousand or Millions. Just small amount of token money to cover our cost. We do use you fucking telecommunication services okie, Not MCP or DEWA. They dont even know who the fuck you are.
England! England!!
NOt Jose Mourinho. The candidate that I would love to see handling England from now on is none other than Mark HUges. Yeah we know he is Welsh. BUt he is a motivator. And his players dies for him. BUt Mark lack the experience to handle sucha high profile nation like England. So was Kevin Keegan who ran to his mumma the moment the time get hard and the prssure sipped into the camp. Sir Bobby still can do the job. Forget Terry Venables. HIs time is over and done. He was the assistance to Mclaren anyway.
How many top teams in EPL has an Englishman as thier manager anyway?? There is nothing wrong with the influx of the EU and other nationals in EPL. Its the peroblem with managment really. EPL still produce quality Englishmen like Rooney, Gerrad, Lampard, Terry, Cole, Owen, Owen H and Gary Neville. The problem is they allways better for thier clubs than thier country. Take Gerrad and Lampard as the example. Lampard sweat blood for Chelsea, but never quite achieve that form with England. So is Gerrard. England should make Beckham the Captain Again. Mclaren started his screw up the moment he dropped Beckham from England. England did improve after he was drafted back in.
The prove. Without Beckham on field for the first half. The score was 0-2. and when was on for the second the score was 2-1. Simple maths. England needs only to play 4-4-2 and they cant live without the crosses coming from the right and left. Crouch will be perfect for this kinda match. Owen will be perfect for moves from the middle and tap ins from the flanks.
Joe Cole and Ashley Cole should be playing from the left. Gerard and Lampard should never play along together. Because they just cant gel together. Rooney should be playing at the back of single forward closer to left alongside Joe cole and Ashley Cole. Owen Hargreaves should be playing holding midfield. And the perfect defend combination will be Terry and Rio in the middle, Ashley on the Left and Neville on the right. Both the left and right defenders are quite good in over lapping as well. The only problem with England at this very moment is finding the suitable keeper. Instead of rotating keepers. I think David James should be given the first choice keeper. Eventhough he makes mistakes. He is still the best they have now in England.
Let see who the FA will apppoint as the new Manager. Hopefully England will bounced back just the way they did after suffering the humiliation of losing to Portugal at Wembley and not Making to teh World Cup in USA in 1994.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Today in memory
EC DickHEAD backtracked that he now (suddenly) dont know the date of the upcoming election. And as usual he blamed the media for 'misquoting' him. Tan Sri Mejad Junit Megat Ayob is in critical condition in Pantai Hospital. He is fighting for his dear life. He been sick since he was diagnosed with last stage cancer. He is fighting though. So thgose who believe in religion, please pray for him. Even a politician needs that kind asupport.
Looks liek Police is shutting down all legal ways of gettinga permit to organise a demostration or a gathering. And when ppl are denied this permita nd they go on to show thier solidatary. They label this ppl as trouble makers and use police and FRU to beat the shit of these ppl. Grow up Police. Give ppl the permit so they can be controlled. We have the rights to assemble okie.
I feel like a shithead wasting my precious sleep to Watch The England-Crotia Match. carson played like shit, but he did stop some goal bound tries from the Croats. I gonna kick my head to say that the only player who played well on the first 45 minutes for England was Crouch. He gave his all. BUt the dickeah Mclaren dont realise that the only way England can play is a 4-4-2 system. HOw many tiem he has to screw up the England team by using 4-5-1 or 4-4-1-1 or even 3-5-2. Croats treat England teamn in teh first half as school bpoys actually. The second goal came is such an ease movemnt. Fluid. Bridge was solely responsible to keep that player onside and whats happening to the middle of teh defend. Phueeww.. Engl;and looked letargic and with no idea at all. Joe Cole as in his element trying to masterbathe solo. He failed miserabely. Lampard was non-existance. Gerrard was like lost. Shawan Wright Philips was busy falling right at the edge of teh box. And when he should hit the target. He took an extra touch.
The idiotic Mclaren did make some changes for the second half by reverting to 4-4-2 system and introdcing Beckham and Defoe. And England was much better. Defoe over did it with a simp;le shirt pull by the Croat Defender and was rewarded with Englands first penalty under Mclaren. Lampard scored it. His only meaningful deed at that. david Becham first time lob found Crouch for teh second. England and Croat was 2-2. And guess what The master Tactician Mclaren did. He asked the England squad to change to 4-4-1-1 soon after the second goal and they were punished 10 minutes from time. A killer shot from the edge of the box. And England submarine was sunk.
Its unfair to blame everything on Mclaren. We should blame the English FA instead. Mclaren should be sacked 2 months ago when they drew with Israel. Good Luck Russia though. Atleast Roman will be happy and his finger nails biting will stop until the next summer.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Celebs Mug Shots

Hugh Grant British actor Hugh Grant was arrested June 27, 1995 for lewd conduct after solicitation of hooker Divine Brown's oral services. Grant was arrested when police found him in his car, engaging in oral sex with the Hollywood prostitute.He was fined $1,180 and was placed on 2 years probation. In addition to the fine, Grant had to attend an AIDS education program.Grant's girlfriend, British actress Elizabeth Hurley, said afterwards that she was"very much alone." In a statement issued to the British Press Association she said: "I am still bewildered and saddened by recent events and have not been in a fit state to make any decisions about the future. For many years I have turned to Hugh for help during difficult times and so now, even though my family and friends have been very kind, I am very much alone. This is all very painful for me and if members of the press could find it in their hearts to give me some time I would be very grateful." But the scandal didn't do anything to dent Grant's acting career. The star of the highly successful Four Weddings and a Funeral went on to even greater things in the movie business afterwards, playing leading roles in films like Nine Months (which opened a week after his arrest for soliciting a prostitute), Mickey Blue Eyes and Bridget Jones's Diary.
Ozzy Osbourne

Mick Jagger
This police mugshot of the Rolling Stones front man was taken in 1972, when Mick Jagger and Keith Richards and three members of the Rolling Stones entourage were arrested in Warwick, Rhode Island on charges of assault and obstructing police. The five were involved in a scuffle with a photographer. They pleaded guilty and were released, but the incident caused a four-hour delay of their concert in Boston that night. All charges were dropped. A few years before that in 1967 Jagger and fellow band member Keith Richard were arrested in Britain for drug possession and both spent short periods in jail before their prison sentences were quashed on appeal. Subsequently Richard revealed his heroin use.
Nick Nolte
In September 12 2002 at Malibu, California, actor Nick Nolte - seen in this police mugshot - was arrested for investigation of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs after his Mercedes-Benz car was seen swerving on a highway near his home. The movie star pleaded no contest to driving under the influence of a drug he claimed to have consumed in a bodybuilding supplement. He was placed on probation with orders to remain in drug counseling for several months. Under the plea agreement, prosecutors dropped a second misdemeanor drug count.
O.J. Simpson

Frank Sinatra

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Britian Get Fucked By Britians!!!

The Amazing Trees

Jumbo Flying Squid Kamikazee

The first reported stranding was on July 18 at Swami’s Beach in Encinitas, CA, where approximately 200 squid were found over a mile stretch of shore. Their mantle lengths ranged from 16 to 24 inches, and they weighed between 2 and 2.5 pounds. On July 25, several thousand squid beached themselves at La Jolla Shores (pictured above), about 15 miles north of San Diego. Scientiests believe they squid were following prey, possibly grunion, a small fish, and washed ashore alive but were unable to get back into the water and died. City work crews were called to help remove tons of dead fish.
Puppy Love, Literally!!

Insect anyone??

Same food, different angle.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Real Puss in Boots

Pedophile,s Digitally altered face unscrambled by Interpol

Weird stuffs happens all the time

Nepalese Ladies wants Safe Adultery for Thier working Hubbies.

"As I learned that unsafe relations make a person vulnerable to HIV, I sent a condom along with the letters to my husband," one of the village wives, Laxmi Sunar, told the newspaper. An estimated 3 million people from impoverished Nepal work overseas, most as manual laborers, and send money home to support their families.
A man in southern India married a female dog in a traditional Hindu ceremony as an attempt to atone for stoning two other dogs to death — an act he believes cursed him — a newspaper reported Tuesday.
P. Selvakumar married the sari-draped former stray named Selvi, chosen by family members and then bathed and clothed for the ceremony Sunday at a Hindu temple in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, the Hindustan Times newspaper said.

The paper said an astrologer had told Selvakumar the wedding was the only way he could cure the maladies. It did not say whether his situation had improved.
Deeply superstitious people in rural India sometimes organize weddings to dogs and other animals, believing it can ward off certain curses. The paper showed a picture of Selvakumar sitting next to the dog, which was wearing an orange sari and a flower garland. The paper said the groom and his family then had a feast, while the dog got a bun.