The show which was supposed to be on around 6.15pm was postponed by CM Managment due to the riot and Demostration between the Police and Bersih. We actually didnt have any time to reschedule anything and post and inform fans because. The time was limited. Months of hard work, metilicoluos work, marketting when down the drain. The turn out of paying member was just above 60. There was more Musician and thier entourage actually at the venue. But We would love to thanks everyone that was in the show. The Bands was awesome. They did their part to the best. Eventhought the crowd count was way below our expectation.
The Show started with New Boys in the Block. They are called "Trip to Fado". They did 15 minutes of their energetic stuff. Even dropping the spare guitar at the stage Once. Micro Music believe in giving new bands a platform to show thier stuff and we believe the 3 bands which open up for the show, really did us proud. The crowd was very sporting and kept on cheering f or the new bands.
Next in line was a band called "Happy Siblings". This band from Klang rocked the crowd for 15 minutes and was energetic. Kudos.
The third band was "PMG". The band from Puchong really rocked the crowd with thier all Malay songs and energetic performance. The highlight of this band was The Voice of the VOx. At one point the crowd was like going,,,Whuooooo..When Amir the band vocalist pulled out his voice high.

Couple was the 4rd band. Thier time was started 10 minutes later because of the respect for prayers time. The bassist had some hard time tuning and meeting the sound check. So it was delayed for another 5 minutes. BUt once they were on, they rocked the crowd with their new and older song for 30 minutes.
LunchBox was next. I really like the Vox Voice. The clarity of it and the husky baritone....waa..nice babe. They rocked the stage for 30 minutes and well appreciated for thier performance.
Desseters was next. And I would like to thank Zack for coming to the gig eventhough I gave him the confirmation just a week before the show. They did thier number and I tell you what. Now I know why they have such a huge following. Good performance by them.
NOw,,,I think this band was the Highlight of teh show. They are " The Otherside Orchestra". When they mentioned they want extra passes for thier lightman.. It was confusing for us. But. Thier show was the bomb. Made me a fan in instant. Thanks Wan.
The next on stage was The Flaming Lunatics. Cant say much because this is my band. Dont want to be bias or anything. We started with fast and alternate with slower paced songs. All together we belted out 6 songs.

Next on line was a Brutal Death Metal band called "Cide Circle". They almost brought the stage down with thier energetic performances. Kudos and thank for coming at the last minute invite Pian and freinds.
The last Band was "Oh Chenta Ku". I must say that this is a band to watch out. The bassist couldnt make it and Myo did the show only using his drummer. But thier show was energetic and fun. Thanks Myo. Myo even got stuck in the lift for a while.. All hell broke loose.
In this show,..we experience power black out, postponement, demostration, band pulling out due to prior engagement. The band that could not perform on the 11th November was, They Will Kill Us All, Myra, PopCorn and Angels Rock Out. We hope our next show will be less dramatic and without any problems,, Thanks all for coming and you guys Rock!!!
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